Saturday, October 24, 2009

Love it live it laugh it up...

...we all have to live on the border line of insanity. Whether you appear that way or not it all is lurking within us. I don't mean this in a creepy, street dweller kind of way just a normal dose of insanity that people fear to talk about. Why can't we admit that our lives are not perfect, we have insecurities, our marriages aren't perfect and neither are our children, we have money trouble, we don't always know what your talking about, yes I ate that last donut at midnight and didn't want anyone to know, you snore, you color your hair, you wax, we love the ridiculous television shows that obviously people watch or they wouldn't be on TV, our houses are a mess sometimes or all the time but don't want anyone to know we are human...seriously we could go on for days. I'm here to state the obvious or what many people hope is not the obvious in their lives just in others so we can secretly feel better about ourselves. Well come join me for a dose of life in whatever fashion it decides to rear it's ugly head. Facts, laughs, photos, books, parenting, marriage, and random nonsense. Jump on the boat, sit back and let it just take you for a ride.