Friday, December 4, 2009

Truly Sanctuary Review and Giveaway

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Trying to widdle a square peg

I must ask why people have a need to make or rather attempt to force a square peg into a round hole? Do they feel that the world will not be right unless all the pegs are in the box? I find it rather comforting to have a few of the pegs lying around the outside of the box veiwing the world from the outskirts of those confined walls. I ask myself often how can we get these people to understand to enjoy and embrace the difference rather than make it their life's goal and frustration to get the peg into their box. I myself enjoy life on the outside until the widdlers come along and begin to try and force me into the hole with every tool they own and I of course try to explain to them it's an impossible feet, I was created this way for a reason and no matter how much effort they make I cannot change my shape by their choice or mine. I guess these are the great challenges in life whether you are the peg or the widdler, do we accept our relationship as widdler and peg or do we continue to go down this path of attempts of forced change?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mrs. Smiths diaper bag review and giveaway

Check it out at

Friday, November 20, 2009

Babywearing Coat Alteration Instructions

Courtesy of

Babywearing Coat Alteration Instructions
[Note: I am not sure who the author is of the instructions below and I would like to cite and credit her, so if you are that person, or know her - PLEASE let me know.]We always wore our baby UNDER our coat during the cold winter weather - we would just wrap him in his Moby and put our bigger sized coats over us both. It worked perfectly and our son loves his front carry winter walks. But if you have an older baby who you already wear on your back, and you are crafty enough to fashion a coat alteration like this (I am completely void of all sewing talent myself), this is a great idea and looks fairly easy to do! :)For more babywearing links and tips, see the International Babywearing 2009 page.

This coat is really easy to make. Honest! And it's sooo much warmer and more comfy than wearing the baby over your coat.
Buy a really cheap or used winter coat a few sizes too big. It doesn't need to be puffy polyester like mine. I'm sure the technique would work with anything as long as the inside is lined with something smooth. In other words, an unlined fleece jacket would be a total flop. I know from experience. The way you get the jacket on is to hold it backwards in front of you and flip it over your head. It will settle around you and the kid's head will simply slide out through the hole, then you put your arms in and zip it up. It's easier than it sounds. Anyway, the problem with something "sticky" like fleece or wool is that the material sticks to your clothes and it's nearly impossible to get the kid's head through. You'll just end up with the kid smothering in the blanket and screaming. I know because I've tried. Not pleasant.
Now buy some matching (contrasting also looks good) fleece to your coat. Decide if you want the side fleece panels to be double or single layer thick. I have mine double on top and single on the sides. It gets HOT under that jacket really fast so adjust the amount of fleece to your local climate. I can't tell you exactly how much you'll need to buy but it won't be much. You just need enough for the 2 side and 1 top panel. My finished side panels measure 15cm x 45cm and the top one is 25cm x 11cm (or 25cm x 22cm unfolded, as it's double-thick).
Now cut away part of the back of your jacket (25cm x 40cm), leaving it attached at the bottom.Don't cut it out at the bottom. I accidentally did this and had to sew it back on again. Oops.Here's a picture of what the bottom looks like when done correctly (I hope Nabigus doesn't mind me using her photo). Her coat is sewn a bit differently than mine:
Sew the fleece panels (one or two layers thick, as you like) onto the sides of the middle coat panel. They will come to a point at the bottom and will be longer than the coat panel at the top if you do it correctly. Sew the top fleece panel (two layers thick, fold should be along the top where the kid's head will come through) onto the top of the coat panel and to the top inside bits of the side panels.
Sew the outsides of the side fleece panels to the main coat. I made mine overlap the coat a bit so that my back doesn't get cold when there's a draft. It also keeps my daughter from drooling on my back (hee, hee). The only problem with overlapping is that you have to do the flip-thing to get the coat on. If you do it without overlapping (like Nabigus above) then you could probably just put the coat on normally and their head would pop through. Which looks less strange when you're standing in a restaurant. But, then again, babywearing always draws stares, doesn't it?
Finish the top cut of the coat. I just used some leftover fleece but bias tape could be used as well, I suppose. It's important that this is finished relatively smoothly as their head will be resting on it when they're asleep. And they'll go to sleep FAST in this coat!
Now fold a sort of flat pleat on each side of the neck-hole fleece. Like this:That keeps the neck much tighter than the body so that no cold wind comes in. It can be expanded later as the kid gets bigger (that's why I didn't cut the material).
Ta da! You're done and now you have an amazing babywearing coat. Expect to be constantly asked, "Where did you GET that?"Last note: Nabigus has a tighter coat than I do so she made the panel longer to accommodate her child's feet. My daughter's feet fit under my jacket even with the shorter panel as my coat started out much too big for me. Adjust your own sewing accordingly.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ahhh cold and flu season... is among us. Time to take care of this thing we call our body, our vessel, our temple, whatever you may prefer. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Herbal tea, ginger is a great choice to help your system boot up against these pesky viruses. Vitamin C, the best way is through foods containing vitamin C, OJ in the morning, strawberries, cantalope, things of this sort but if these are not accessable go for the pill form. A little extra zinc goes a long way as well. WASH YOUR HANDS! Most commonly these things spread when you touch something and then touch your face, inperticular your nose and mouth. Rest, go to bed a little early if you need to and get the proper amount of sleep you and your body will be happier.You don't have to become a hermit but you should take precautions. Remember the better you take care of yourself the less likely you will get sick and if you do it will pass a lot quicker if you're healthy. Wishing you much health in this crazy world : )

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Book Recommendation

This book is great! Easy to follow workout that makes you feel alive. Keeps you interested, sweating, and you feel like you could kick some butt when all is said and done. Whether you're interested in learning how to box or just looking for something to break up the exercise rut, this book will do the job. It truly builds you up at a reasonable pace. You have to be willing to endure true exercise and not hold back, no quick fix results. Just some good old fashion work that's fun and will really work if you put your mind and body to it. If you're like me and need something to keep you interested and moving check it out.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Picture of the Week

Friday, October 30, 2009

Goodbyn Giveaway and Reveiw

Check out for a fun lunchbox giveaway. The Goodbyn is a fun and handy little lunchbox that kids and adults alike will love!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ahhh yes pumpkin carving...'s time if you haven't already fulfilled this Halloween task. You can feel it at the tip of your tongue, the chill as it nears. At this point hopefully you have found the perfect pumpkin to carve, if not hurry out and see what you can find. You may actually find some of the perfectly deformed pumpkins that no one else wanted and need a good home. These can have the best results sometimes. Next you must brainstorm or play it by ear either way can be fun. Sometimes you can just take a good look at the pumpkin and start slicin' and wa-la you have a jack o' lantern at your fingertips. For those who might not get that oh so wonderful vibe you can check out ideas and printouts online to help get you going.
Don't forget to set the mood. Put on some Halloween tunes, eat some pumpkin goodies, drink some hot cider and don't forget to get down and dirty. They invented brooms, soap and sponges for this very reason. Ok you can put down some newspaper to help with the mess and don't forget to save the seeds for cookin'. With a little salt and time in the oven they make for yet another scrumptious treat.
Happy carving!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Book Recommendation

An Overview of Last Child in the Woods
In this influential work about the staggering divide between children and the outdoors, child advocacy expert Richard Louv directly links the lack of nature in the lives of today's wired generation—he calls it nature-deficit—to some of the most disturbing childhood trends, such as the rises in obesity, attention disorders, and depression.
Last Child in the Woods is the first book to bring together a new and growing body of research indicating that direct exposure to nature is essential for healthy childhood development and for the physical and emotional health of children and adults. More than just raising an alarm, Louv offers practical solutions and simple ways to heal the broken bond—and many are right in our own backyard.
This new edition reflects the enormous changes that have taken place since the book was originally published. It includes:
100 actions you can take to create change in your community, school, and family.
35 discussion points to inspire people of all ages to talk about the importance of nature in their lives.
A new progress report by the author about the growing Leave No Child Inside movement.
New and updated research confirming that direct exposure to nature is essential for the physical and emotional health of children and adults.
Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder has spurred a national dialogue among educators, health professionals, parents, developers and conservationists. This is a book that will change the way you think about your future and the future of your children.

Monday, October 26, 2009


What happened to creativity? Everyone has this whether they think so or not. Yes it takes a little time and effort but in the end it's well worth the effort and feeling of accomplishment. I think especially for children this is important. I don't know if it's because I was raised with a minimal amount of funds and material things or I just happen to enjoy the inner workings of my crazy mind and like to see what I can squeeze out of it. I remember a time when Halloween was upon us and the excitment grew because we knew it was time to brainstorm the plans for our costumes. We would get so excited, thinking so hard about the perfect thing to create for that years festivities that our heads felt like they were going to explode. Yes there were frustrations and dead ends and at times we would have to rethink the whole thing but this is what we call life. We had a trunk full of old clothes, knick knacks, and random junk and were let loose to piece together our wonderful mish mash costume for the year. Once we accomplished this we couldn't wait to show it off at the school parade and of course while trick or treating. We welcomed the years that people would say "and what are you suppose to be?" because then we had the chance to explain our elaborate thinking and our crazy thought process which we thought no one would ever care to ask us about. Yes there were occasional times we had to have something very specific and yes my mom would make a trip to Kmart or Pic N Save and grab one of those cheesy plastic garbs just to satisfy our childhood crisis but believe me those went into the trunk to be used in conjunction with costumes for years to come ( it was also lovely that my mom did sew so she could help us create those certain things we just could not manage to accomplish ourselves like a Hula skirt-thanks mom ). Now I'm not saying that the costumes of today aren't just so darn cute, I just feel that creativity is so important in life to get the chance to experience especially for children (I feel adults benefit too).
Make you and your children a deal, every other year you get to create a costume with things you already have, old costumes, old clothes, things from around the house. Let their minds flow and remember if they decide their costume is a grocery bag with glitter on it SO BE IT! We are only children once and will hold those memories dear to our hearts for years to come. As parents don't be afraid to get down and dirty with the kids, make a day of it as a family, turn the TV off, set up a area in the house or yard, turn on some Halloween music and create a memory, You Won't Regret It!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Picture of the Week

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pumpkin Patch is a must

First I must clarify if you are a creepy street dweller no ill intent was meant, all are welcome here in any walk of life. We choose our paths whether it be creepy, streety or dwellerish it's no place of mine to judge but it may be quit the topic for conversation and a chuckle at times but then again what topic ain't. back to the topic at hand, aw yes the pumpkin patch. I cannot remember a time I did not visit a pumpkin patch during the month of October. It feels like a Halloween betrayal if I didn't. Now I'm talking about a REAL pumpkin patch, not a freakin' parking lot with trucked in pumpkins. I mean apparently if you throw some hay on the ground they think you'll feel like your on a farm, seriously? The white lines and blacktop kinda bring you back to the parking lot reality. Now if you need your Halloween/pumpkin fix and it's near impossible to find a genuine patch I guess these will due on occassion, but lets hope for the best. I want pumpkins in all forms, perfectly orange and smooth to bumpy,cracked and just darn broken down,what a real farm has to offer. Dirt, rocks, things growing out of the ground. This is something every child and adult alike needs to experience in life, it brings on the Halloween spirit like nothing else (well candy corn helps too but we'll concentrate on the patch for now). Kids need dirt! Let them experience the joys of outdoor life, feel, smell, taste, all the good senses we were born with.

Ok, obviously you have the internet (or are really freaky and have some other way to read my blog) type in pumkin patch in (your area, remember to put state too who knows if your town name is in another state) and go for it!

My very favorite Pumpkin Patch is Lombardi Ranch in Santa Clarita, Ca. Very old school ranch been around forever. If you're in the area check it out, great for kids and adults.
This year was the first time visiting Tanaka Farms in Irvine, Ca. Not too shabby. Great selection and lots to do. Wear sunscreen and a hat.

Happy pumpkin hunting!

Love it live it laugh it up...

...we all have to live on the border line of insanity. Whether you appear that way or not it all is lurking within us. I don't mean this in a creepy, street dweller kind of way just a normal dose of insanity that people fear to talk about. Why can't we admit that our lives are not perfect, we have insecurities, our marriages aren't perfect and neither are our children, we have money trouble, we don't always know what your talking about, yes I ate that last donut at midnight and didn't want anyone to know, you snore, you color your hair, you wax, we love the ridiculous television shows that obviously people watch or they wouldn't be on TV, our houses are a mess sometimes or all the time but don't want anyone to know we are human...seriously we could go on for days. I'm here to state the obvious or what many people hope is not the obvious in their lives just in others so we can secretly feel better about ourselves. Well come join me for a dose of life in whatever fashion it decides to rear it's ugly head. Facts, laughs, photos, books, parenting, marriage, and random nonsense. Jump on the boat, sit back and let it just take you for a ride.