Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Babywearing Coat Alteration Instructions
Courtesy of
Babywearing Coat Alteration Instructions
[Note: I am not sure who the author is of the instructions below and I would like to cite and credit her, so if you are that person, or know her - PLEASE let me know.]We always wore our baby UNDER our coat during the cold winter weather - we would just wrap him in his Moby and put our bigger sized coats over us both. It worked perfectly and our son loves his front carry winter walks. But if you have an older baby who you already wear on your back, and you are crafty enough to fashion a coat alteration like this (I am completely void of all sewing talent myself), this is a great idea and looks fairly easy to do! :)For more babywearing links and tips, see the International Babywearing 2009 page.

Finish the top cut of the coat. I just used some leftover fleece but bias tape could be used as well, I suppose. It's important that this is finished relatively smoothly as their head will be resting on it when they're asleep. And they'll go to sleep FAST in this coat!

Posted by Smirkey Southpaw at 8:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: attachment parenting, baby wearing in winter, babywearing
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Ahhh cold and flu season... is among us. Time to take care of this thing we call our body, our vessel, our temple, whatever you may prefer. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Herbal tea, ginger is a great choice to help your system boot up against these pesky viruses. Vitamin C, the best way is through foods containing vitamin C, OJ in the morning, strawberries, cantalope, things of this sort but if these are not accessable go for the pill form. A little extra zinc goes a long way as well. WASH YOUR HANDS! Most commonly these things spread when you touch something and then touch your face, inperticular your nose and mouth. Rest, go to bed a little early if you need to and get the proper amount of sleep you and your body will be happier.You don't have to become a hermit but you should take precautions. Remember the better you take care of yourself the less likely you will get sick and if you do it will pass a lot quicker if you're healthy. Wishing you much health in this crazy world : )
Posted by Smirkey Southpaw at 8:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Book Recommendation
This book is great! Easy to follow workout that makes you feel alive. Keeps you interested, sweating, and you feel like you could kick some butt when all is said and done. Whether you're interested in learning how to box or just looking for something to break up the exercise rut, this book will do the job. It truly builds you up at a reasonable pace. You have to be willing to endure true exercise and not hold back, no quick fix results. Just some good old fashion work that's fun and will really work if you put your mind and body to it. If you're like me and need something to keep you interested and moving check it out.